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High Net Worth Divorce

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High Asset Divorce Attorney South Jersey

Divorce Lawyers Focusing on High Net Worth Divorce Cases Throughout South Jersey including Moorestown, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield and Medford

High net worth divorce cases present significant issues that can add complications to the typical divorce process. The financial stakes in a high net worth divorce are much higher than in cases where the couple has modest assets, making an attorney who has specialized experience in this area of divorce an extremely valuable asset. The presence of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, which are commonly entered into in order to simplify the divorce proceedings, can actually add additional complications into the mix. It is also important to remember that these agreements cannot legally address all issues that will need to be agreed upon throughout the divorce process.

If you are a high net worth individual in South Jersey and are considering divorce, it is important to have a skilled attorney in your corner throughout the divorce process. High net worth divorce can drastically alter your financial security, in terms of alimony requirements, asset divisions and contentious child custody issues, making it vital that your attorney has specialized experience in divorces between high net worth individuals. At Cordry Hartman, LLC, we bring decades worth of experience to the table and have focused on high net worth divorces to give us a significant edge at the negotiating table where complex asset divisions are on the line. Contact our offices today for a confidential consultation to discuss the particulars of your divorce case.

Division of Assets in High Net Worth Divorce Cases in South Jersey

An equitable division of the divorcing couple’s assets must be reached in all divorce cases, but this division becomes much more complex in a high net worth divorce. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement may govern the eventual disposition of some assets, and others may be subject to the equitable division process. In a high net worth divorce, careful investigation and evaluation must be made to determine the value of assets, which may include:

  • Real estate, including vacation homes and investment properties,
  • Retirement accounts,
  • Investment accounts,
  • Bank accounts,
  • Life insurance,
  • Independent investments,
  • Stock and stock options,
  • Closely held business interests.

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements may make general specifications as to the division of assets, along the lines of declaring that all premarital property belongs to the spouse who brought the property into the marriage. Despite this, premarital property is often inadvertently commingled with property acquired during the marriage, which can make that premarital property available to be divided equitably between the divorcing spouses.

If the divorcing couple owns a business, a formal valuation process—which can be invasive and, in many cases, subjective—will likely be necessary in order to assign value to the business for the purposes of dividing the assets fairly. Employment of forensic accountants and actuaries may be required to appropriately value the business. Contact our offices today to schedule an appointment to discuss your prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

Why Choose Cordry Hartman, LLC to Protect Your Rights in a High Net Worth Divorce?

At Cordry Hartman, LLC, our skilled high net worth divorce attorneys understand the intricate arguments that can be made for keeping property out of the martial “estate”, or bringing it into this basket for equitable division. We are skilled at investigating and establishing how property was acquired—whether using premarital funds or not—and finding an equitable solution to complex problems. High net worth divorces tend to take much longer to resolve than other divorces because of the asset valuation requirements that may need to be employed to ensure equitable division. This longer timeline can present opportunities for the spouses’ relationship to become even more contentious than it may have been prior to the time when divorce papers were filed, making the calm and reasoned advice of an attorney necessary to avoid emotional decisions.

For example, our attorneys understand that it may be advantageous in some circumstances to negotiate with a spouse to provide replacement assets rather than allowing an award of business interests in a business that the other spouse intends to continue operating. In other cases, we may be able to challenge provisions in a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement based on the legal requirements that apply to these types of agreements. In all cases, we are here to provide individualized advice to each of our clients in a high net worth divorce situation.

Schedule a Confidential Consultation with the Experienced Attorneys at Cordry Hartman, LLC Today for Your High Net Worth Divorce Case

High net worth divorces carry all of the stress and emotional frustration that accompany any other divorce, with the added complication of putting significant financial assets on the line. Even if you believe that your prenuptial or postnuptial agreement will be enforced, it is crucial to contact a skilled high net worth divorce lawyer to advocate on your behalf throughout the process. At Cordry Hartman, LLC, we are skilled in reacting effectively and successfully to any unexpected issues that may arise throughout your divorce. Contact us to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our high net worth divorce lawyers today. Our office is conveniently located at 505 S Lenola Rd Suite 224, Moorestown, NJ 08057. We serve clients throughout New Jersey, including in Moorestown, Cherry Hill, Haddonfield, Marlton, Voorhees, Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, Cape May County, Salem County, and Atlantic County.

Frequently Asked Questions About High Asset Divorce

FAQ: Why is my spouse entitled to a share of my retirement account in a divorce?

Even if a retirement account, such as a 401(k) or IRA, is held solely in your name, your spouse may be entitled to a portion of the account after a divorce. Federal laws apply to give a spouse rights to a portion of your retirement assets that were accumulated during the marriage. In many cases, a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) will be issued to accurately provide the amount of benefits that a spouse is entitled to receive.

FAQ: Why do I need a divorce attorney if I have a prenuptial agreement?

High net worth divorces inevitably present complications, and you need a skilled attorney to advocate on your behalf. It is important to choose an attorney with both business skills and a reputable family law practice in order to ensure that your rights are protected. Divorces are emotionally heightened proceedings, making the calm and rational advice of an attorney crucial to obtaining fair results.

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