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Domestic Violence Lawyer South Jersey


Moorestown Domestic Violence Lawyers

All family members should feel safe in their own homes. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When a family member or other individual in your life take actions that threaten your physical or mental health, there is domestic violence in the home. Domestic violence occurs between spouses, parents and children, boyfriends and girlfriends and other individuals living together. Domestic violence also can take place between individuals who are not legally related to each other and who are not living in the same house.

Domestic Violence in New Jersey Can Take Many Forms: Seek Legal Assistance from a Moorestown Domestic Violence Lawyer

  • Physical assaults (such as hitting, kicking, pushing)
  • Assaults with weapons
  • Threatening to cause physical harm
  • Other types of physical abuse (including neglect in children)
  • Verbal abuse (name calling, putting another person down, yelling)
  • Mental abuse
  • Harassment or use of terrorist threats
  • Other forms of emotional abuse (including social isolation, financial control)
  • Sexual abuse (including forced sexual acts)

Victims of domestic violence in New Jersey can seek legal protection under the New Jersey Domestic Violence Act. Under this law, individuals in domestic violence situations upon good cause may obtain temporary restraining orders to immediately place themselves out of harm’s way. If an individual’s life, health or well-being is in danger, good cause will be found. The Act also affords other types of legal protection including modifications in custody agreements, limits on the abuser’s parenting time and mandatory parenting classes for abusers, awards of temporary financial support, mandatory addiction treatment or anger management classes for abusers, removal of the abuser’s firearms and even payment of legal fees to victims.

Restraining Orders in New Jersey

Obtaining a domestic violence restraining order against the abuser provides a certain amount of legal protection which can help begin the healing process for all involved. Restraining orders prevent the abuser from contacting the victim either in person or through verbal communication (including phone calls, text messages, social media or through third parties). The abuser may also be prohibited from engaging in certain activities near or around the victim. To obtain a temporary restraining order, an individual must file an application with the Domestic Violence Coordinator of their county court or with their local police department.

Domestic Violence temporary restraining orders only last ten days. Within that time, a trial will take place to determine whether a more permanent final restraining order is necessary. These legal proceedings often require testimony. New Jersey domestic violence lawyers can assist you in preparing your testimony and obtaining these important restraining orders. Once the temporary restraining order is obtained, individuals may also need assistance in enforcement of the order.

Family disputes often bring out the worst in individuals. At times family members may attempt to use false allegations of domestic violence to obtain an advantage in divorce, child support or child custody proceedings. When this occurs, the results could be devastating. The violation of a domestic violence restraining order, unlike a civil restraining order, results in immediate arrest and jail time and well as loss of child visitation rights. Due to the serious consequences of violating this type of restraining order, individuals who have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence should immediately contact an experienced NJ domestic violence lawyer for assistance.

New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyers at Cordry Hartman, LLC in Moorestown, NJ Protect Families and Individuals Dealing with Domestic Violence in New Jersey

Domestic violence can leave lifelong physical and emotional scars on its victims. The first step in ending domestic violence is to obtain legal protection. To guide you through this process, you need an experienced domestic violence attorney. New Jersey domestic violence lawyer, Frances A. Hartman, of Cordry Hartman, LLC understands the complexities of the New Jersey Domestic Violence Act and works confidentially and compassionately with New Jersey families dealing with the aftermath of domestic violence.

With offices conveniently located in Moorestown, New Jersey, attorneys at the law offices of Cordry Hartman, LLC represent individuals throughout New Jersey including those in Cherry Hill, Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, Cumberland County, Cape May County, Salem County, and Atlantic County. To schedule a confidential consultation with a Moorestown domestic violence lawyer, call us today at 856-452-4474 or contact us online.

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